Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Rallycross still seems big in Sverige, on a regular base you get these for sale on the main car sites over there. Im not to sure on how and where they drive, but considering the square, slick-like tires all around it wouldn't be off-road now would it. This particular specimen looks quite solid, but I've seen cars battered and bruised, so I'm guessing it's a bit like banger-racing or French derby. By the way I found this by looking for a Porsche, probably thanks to the tabletop spoiler out back.

But as proven before with other examples of Sandloppas, the Svensk are good in doing it off-road too in full on Mad Max mobiles. No need for the sophisticated rails with paddle wheels, more at home in Glamis. No, these are truly the "racers of the corn".


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