If you love your Swedish bubblas as much as anyone else, you just go get one then. That's just what Kristof aka Fons did this summer. This kinky blue darling blue lady belonged to an equally nice kinky blue-eyed swedenette ( just guessing here, correct me if I'm wrong), forced by her dad to sell her car.

And this would be the happy new owner, who was mad enough to take the train to Stockholm, with the adresses of 10 (as in Ten) bubblas to go look at with his girlfriend in tow. The Blue one happened to be the last and nicest one to boot.

Kristof contacted me for info on my evil ways of getting those Bubblas to a new home. What I didn't put him up to, was to take a tent. Good thinking as camping is free almost anywhere in Sweden, you just have to ask. And I bet it beats sleeping in the backseat of a car, let alone across the two front ones, with the gearshift poking your crotch or worse.

And it wouldn't be an adventure if you didn't have to drive your brand new car through real bad weather. It's almost a cliché, but still it's traditional.